Out of the Box Boxer Rescue is a 100% volunteer based non-profit organization. We rely on the good hearts within our communities. We are a 501c3 exempt organization EIN 82-1888125
Out of the Box Boxer Rescue offers many avenues to support our mission. You can sponsor a Freedom ride, become a Foster Suporter, donate in memory or as an honorary donation, support our veterinary fund, shop our Amazon wishlist, or make in kind donations. We cannot survive without you! Each $1 is greatly appreciated and put to good use to support the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of the boxer breed.

Do you shop at Kroger?
Your Purchases can help save lives with Out of the Box Boxer Rescue!
With the Kroger Community Rewards® program, a portion of
your purchases are donated to Walden’s Puddle, at no cost to you!
Every person counts, get your parents to sign up, get your children
to sign up! And don’t forget, you have to select a non-profit each year, so if you have not selected yours recently, be sure to do it TODAY!
Here’s how you can help:
1. Register your Kroger Plus card online HERE
2. Enroll your Kroger Plus card in Community Rewards. Enroll HERE (search for Out of the Box Boxer Rescue or enter 30517)
3. Shop at Kroger, and swipe your Plus card!

Become a "Foster Supporter"
Donate money for the basic veterinary care on one or more of our boxers:
Spay/Neuter: $120.00
Vaccinations: $30.00
Heartworm Test: $25.00
Heartworm Prevention: $10.00
Fecal and deworming: $15.00
Collar: $10.00
TOTAL COST: $210.00
You may "Become a Boxer Sponsor" by making a donation towards all or some of a boxers veterinary care. The simplest way to donate is though PayPal, a secure online service that allows you to use your credit card to help our boxers! Click the PayPal logo to make a donation:
Feed a Wiggle butt
We can always use dog food to feed these hungry boxers, so click here to donate!
Small Bag $16.00
Medium Bag $35.00
Large Bag $55.00
Sponsor a Freedom Ride
Every dog we pull comes with the need for vetting - which always includes micro chipping, almost always includes vaccination, and often includes spay/neuter just to cover the basics.
Sponsoring a freedom ride, helps us get a leg up on the vetting expense. You can sponsor a dog by donating $50. In return, we will post the freedom ride picture with your name listed as the sponsor. This gives you (or your business) exposure and helps OBBR!