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Sick Bay

They come to us, these beloved Boxers, with all sorts of problems.  It is a rare event when we bring one into the program that does not require help in some way.  And we fix them all – it is just what we do and what we have always done.  Some have broken bones and some have broken spirits.  Too often, they have been neglected and abused and we restore them to health, both physically and mentally.

We have many good hearted veterinarians and dog behaviorists and trainers who have partnered with us to care for our dogs and we are thankful for them every single day.  But even with their generosity, it takes a tremendous amount of money to rehabilitate the number of dogs we have pouring into our program. We do ask adopters to pay an adoption fee, but those fees do not cover even half of our dog expenses, so we must rely on the generosity of our donors. 

As always, donations toward their medical care are greatly appreciated


Unfortunately, emaciated dogs in rescue is a common occurrence. It happens surprisingly quick when a dog is lost and has no steady food supply.  But once in a while you get one that stops your heart. Mikey was found starving to death - just 24 lbs and too weak to stand, with a giant pressure sore on his chest - left in a crate with a large bag of dog food in the apartment. Charges are being sought in his case. Mikey came into the vet and the rescue with the worst body condition we had ever seen. He was not expected to last the week. But continuous small meals from his dedicated foster family and he defied the odds. He will not be released for adoption until the state releases him but he has come a long ways thanks to supporters like you!

Mikey beginning.jpg
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Mikey today.jpg

Mikey on intake above,

below Mikey now

Demodectic Mange

Mange is a parasitic skin disease caused by microscopic mites. All normal dogs (and many humans) have a few of these mites on their skin. As long as the body's immune system is functioning properly, these mites cause no harm.

Demodectic mange most often occurs when a dog has an immature immune system, allowing the number of skin mites to increase rapidly. As a result, this disease occurs primarily in dogs less than 12 to 18 months of age. As the dog matures, its immune system also matures.

Adult dogs that have the disease usually have weakened immune systems. Demodectic mange may occur in older dogs because function of the immune system often declines with age. Dogs who have a weakened immune system due to illness or certain medications are also susceptible to demodectic mange.
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The lesions and signs of demodectic mange usually involve hair loss; crusty, red skin; and at times, a greasy or moist appearance. The mites prefer to live in the hair follicles, so in most cases, hair loss is the first noted sign. Usually, hair loss begins around the muzzle, eyes, and other areas on the head. The lesions may or may not itch. In localized mange, a few circular crusty areas will be noted, most frequently on the head and forelegs of young dogs 3-6 months of age.

Most of these lesions will self heal as the puppies become older and develop their own immunity. Persistent lesions will need treatment. In cases in which the whole body is involved (generalized mange), there will be areas of hair loss over the entire coat, including the head, neck, abdomen, legs, and feet. The skin along the head, side, and back will be crusty and oftentimes inflamed. It will often crack and ooze a clear fluid. Hair will be scant, but the skin itself will often be oily to the touch. There is usually a secondary bacterial infection. Some animals can become quite ill and develop a fever, lose their appetite, and become lethargic. Patients with generalized demodectic mange need immediate vigorous treatment.

The localized form is usually treated with topical medication. The generalized form requires more aggressive treatment using special shampoos and dips, along with oral medication. There are also several 'spot on' topical treatments, such as imidacloprid and moxidectin. These medications are used 'off label' for the treatment of demodicosis. The term 'off label' describes the use of a drug for conditions other than what it was approved for.

Upper Respiratory Infection


Please be aware, there are some nasty upper respiratory infections coming out of animal control. Even dogs current on bordetella with good immune systems are being passed it. They end up with a hacking cough that sounds like they have croup. Because parvo is not a large enough danger coming out of animal control!

Heartworm Disease


7 Warning Signs That Your Dog Has Heartworms

Symptoms of a heartworm infection can take months to appear. Here are some of the common signs that a dog has heartworms.


Heartworm disease in dogs is a silent killer that is often overlooked until it’s too late. This preventable condition starts with a mosquito bite and ends with either a long, expensive treatment or death.

Symptoms may not appear until the worm reaches maturity (usually after around 6 months).

Signs of Heartworms in a Dog

1. A soft, dry cough

The parasites make their way to the lungs and start multiplying in the lungs and surrounding veins.

Coughing may be most noticeable after exercise and may end with fainting. Even light exercise

can cause fainting.

2. Inactivity or lethargy

Your pet suddenly seems tired more often, doesn’t want to go outside, or avoids all physical activity.

Dogs with heartworm infection are weakened and find it difficult to be active even when performing

small tasks.

3. Weight loss or anorexia

Even minor physical activities, such as eating, can become difficult and exhausting chores.

4. Rapid or difficult breathing

Along with coughing, breathing problems occur when the worms inhabit the lungs and surrounding veins. Fluid can also build around the blood vessels in the lungs, making it difficult for the lungs to oxygenate the blood.

5. Bulging chest

The ribs may seem to protrude, and the chest has a bulging appearance as a result of adult heartworm infection. This symptom can result from weight loss and anorexia caused by heartworms. This can also be caused by fluid buildup in response to the parasite’s presence.

6. Allergic reaction

Although allergic reaction is more common in cats, it is possible for dogs to show symptoms similar to an allergic reaction or asthmatic symptoms in response to the heartworms or their offspring.

7. Collapse

Large numbers of heartworms invade the heart and cause blockage of blood flow (known as caval or vena cava syndrome). Collapse is usually accompanied by shock and red blood cell destruction. Death can follow within days.

Other symptoms are possible, too:

  • Nosebleeds

  • Secondary pneumonia

  • Increased blood pressure

  • Excessive sleeping

  • Seizures

  • Blindness

  • Lameness

Seizures, lameness and blindness occur when the parasites get lost and end up in places other than the heart or lungs. They can end up in the brain or eyes, although this is rare.

Some of the symptoms above can also be signs of other conditions, which makes it more difficult to detect heartworm infection. There are other tools used by vets to detect the condition more accurately.

Heartworm disease is risky to treat and totally preventable. Please be sure to provide monthly heartworm prevention for your 4 legged friends! Added bonus - most heartworm preventions also provide dewormer for many intestinal parasites!


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Cherry Eye

Treatment and Prognosis for Cherry Eye in Dogs


Prolapse of the gland of the nictitating membrane or third eyelid, commonly called “cherry eye,” should be treated as quickly as possible. The condition itself is not particularly dangerous to dogs, but correction is important to make the dog comfortable and reduce the risk of more serious secondary problems. The longer the that the third eyelid gland is out of place and exposed to environmental elements, the more inflamed, irritated and possibly infected it may become. The goals of treating cherry eye are to:

  • Return the function and appearance of the third eyelid structures to as normal a state as possible

  • Reduce abnormal discharge from the affected eye(s)

  • Minimize irritation and injury to the corneal and conjunctival tissues

  • Preserve and promote tear production from the gland of the third eyelid

  • Reduce the risk of secondary bacterial infections

  • Eliminate the dog’s discomfort


Surgical correction of cherry eye is usually very successful. Post-operatively, the affected eyes of most dogs will return to full normal function, as long as the affected gland is repositioned rather than removed. If the gland is removed, eye drops will be necessary to provide normal lubrication of the eye for the remainder of the dog’s life.

After surgery

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